Three JA Seniors Named Christian Leaders of the Future

March 7, 2023 / News Releases/Upper School/All News

In partnership with Belhaven University, Mississippi Christian Living magazine recognizes high school seniors as future Christian leaders. Molly Baldwin, Gracie Drew Pratt, and Olivia Claire Williford were recognized on March 7 at Belhaven University. Students submitted applications along with a personal statement and essay to qualify for this recognition. Out of the 30 finalists, one male and one female received a $2,000 scholarship to the college or university of their choice, and two other finalists will receive smaller scholarships from Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Ballet Magnificat.

Molly Baldwin is involved in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the performing arts, Chapel Worship, and Student Ambassadors, to name a few activities. Molly spends her free time volunteering at the Mustard Seed. Her favorite Bible verse comes from Psalm 143:8: “Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” She loves that verse because she says that verse emphasizes the Lord’s love for us but also talks about how we should walk in obedience to Him. Molly is grateful and honored to be a Mississippi Christian Leader, but she knows this is for God’s glory and says it’s not anything she did on her own.

Gracie Drew Pratt serves on the FCA Leadership team, Student Council, cheer team, and more. Gracie Drew likes to babysit, cook, and volunteer in her free time at Mission First. At Mission First, she helps kids with their homework and fosters relationships with them. She says they are perfect examples of being lights for Jesus. “Their laughter and playful spirits fill me with so much joy,” Gracie Drew says. “They remind me of what it means to be present, in the moment, and not to worry about the future.” She said the kids have had a tremendous impact on her life, and it’s the best part of her week. Her favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 31:25: “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.” She says this honor means a lot to her and that she can be an example for other people.

Olivia Claire Williford serves as Student Body President of JA, President of Junior Auxiliary of  Madison County’s Crown Club, Mayor’s Youth Council, and more. She has been dancing for 15 years and is also learning Spanish in her free time. A Bible verse she lives by is Proverbs 31:25-26: “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” She says, “A Christian leader is a servant for Him and someone who can influence people, so I’m glad they see that in me and see that I’m not only a Christian leader of the future but a Christian leader of today. I hope to continue to do that for my friends around me as well.”