Cross Country Performs at MAIS Overall Cross Country State Meet

October 31, 2023 / Athletics/All News

Six of the JA’s cross country runners showcased their talent by finishing within the Top 25. The varsity boys displayed an impressive performance, securing a third-place finish. Additionally, all junior varsity runners achieved personal record times in their races and had an overall finish of seventh place. This success highlights their determination, progress, and growth.

“Only look forward to the man ahead. Do not look back,” said Assistant Coach Ashley Googe. “Once you think you have hit your limit, there is another limit you can surpass.” The team shared encouraging and motivating words before beginning the state meet. Head Coach Shelby Dean, Assistant Coach Ashley Googe, and Assistant Coach Dr. Calvin Thigpen work with the cross country athletes and are proud of the growth that has taken place this season.

“We are looking very solid heading into next year and definitely have a good shot at building off of this year and getting even better results next year,” said Walter Towery. “The coaches have put in so much effort and hours to help us train and get better. Coach Shelby Dean, Calvin Thigpen, and Ashley Googe have put in so much time and effort into this program and the future of Jackson Academy Cross Country is in great hands with these three in charge.”