Perspectives in Education

Developing Wise Social Media Consumers

As adults, when we see children misbehave or act out, we often view these situations as opportunities to teach them about different ways to handle conflict or manage crises. In doing so, they learn that although some circumstances may be beyond their control, their reactions and subsequent behavior are not. The overuse of technology by school-aged students is a concern many parents share.

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Art Instruction Throughout School Years Builds Better Thinkers

Pablo Picasso famously said: “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” I agree with Picasso. In their formative years, young children love to create art. Just provide the materials, and each child will create multiple works of art without hesitation. It is documented that we go through the same basic stages of developmental art as children.

READ MORE ▸ Art Instruction Throughout School Years Builds Better Thinkers

Mindset Matters, Part II: Director of Choral Music Amy Whittenton Shares Insights from Mindset Theory

There are two mindsets within Carol D. Dweck, Ph.D.’s mindset theory: fixed and growth. At its most basic level, a fixed mindset means that a person believes that people’s qualities are unchangeable or “fixed.” The growth mindset opposes this view, stating that time and effort can cultivate people’s qualities. These mindsets impact every person daily and influence how they view themselves, others, and their activities.

READ MORE ▸ Mindset Matters, Part II: Director of Choral Music Amy Whittenton Shares Insights from Mindset Theory

The Importance of Play in School

Play break at school might just be the most exciting part of a child’s day. Not only is it a time for imaginations to run wild, friendships to form, and laughter to abound, but it is also a crucial time for social development, physical development, and cognitive development in growing children. 

READ MORE ▸ The Importance of Play in School

Efforts of ARC Teachers and Students Lead to Lasting Benefits

As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow so eloquently wrote in his poem “A Psalm of Life,” human beings can lead lives of greatness that will “leave footprints on the sands of time.” Longfellow was calling his readers to live life to the fullest and set an everlasting and inspiring example for others. Longfellow’s call is evident in the actions of Jackson Academy teachers, particularly those in the Academic Resource Center (ARC) who help students live more fully by understanding how they learn best, managing learning differences, developing confidence, and sharpening time management skills.

READ MORE ▸ Efforts of ARC Teachers and Students Lead to Lasting Benefits

‘Goal Digger’ Jen Henson Offers Parents ACT-Prep Advice

November 9 through 13, Jen Henson led an intense, five-day ACT preparation boot camp for Jackson Academy’s junior class. With 22 years of experience as a high school English teacher and nearly ten years owning her ACT coaching company Goal Digger, Henson’s work equipped students with a detailed map to increasing their scores and potentially locking in more competitive scholarships. During a break in her day, we sat down with Henson and asked for her top three tips on how parents can help their children prepare to perform their best on the test.

READ MORE ▸ ‘Goal Digger’ Jen Henson Offers Parents ACT-Prep Advice

Choose Kind

Experienced public relations professionals at a communications conference I recently attended wrestled with the topic of incivility. Their task was to determine what they could do as communicators about the rise of incivility, which is often at the forefront of daily experiences on social media.

READ MORE ▸ Choose Kind

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