Annalee Willson Named Heisman High School Winner for JA

November 9, 2021 / Upper School/All News

Senior Annalee Willson received notification last week that she was named a school winner for the 2021 Heisman High School Program. Presented by Acceptance Insurance, the program honors hundreds of the nation’s most accomplished, community-minded high school senior athletes each year. 

To qualify, a student must have a weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher and be considered a proven leader and role model within their school and community. They must also have participated in at least one sport each year beginning in ninth grade. During the past 27 years, the program has honored more than 600,000 esteemed high school seniors.

Annalee is active in multiple sports, including JA tennis, cheerleading, and swimming. She currently serves as the captain for both the varsity cheer squad and varsity tennis team.  She was also selected to serve in the Madison County Youth Leadership and the Ridgeland Chamber of Commerce Diplomat programs as well as the President’s Leadership Circle at the Mississippi Children’s Museum. Additionally, Annalee serves weekly as a discipleship group student leader at Christ United Methodist Church.

Students submit a detailed application to represent their school. By inviting students from schools across the country to share their stories of leadership and impact, the program aims to inspire all students to harness their potential, push their limits, and use their talents not only to advance their own futures but to improve the communities and world around them. 

“The values we promote at Acceptance Insurance – integrity, excellence, and service – are the values embodied by the students earning this recognition. Helping them realize their visions for stronger communities and greater achievement along with the Heisman Trophy Trust is an honor and a privilege,” said Larry Willeford, President and Chief Operating Officer of Acceptance Insurance.

Congratulations, Annalee!