Students Gain Valuable Experience in JA Tech Center

January 12, 2024 / Middle School/Upper School/All News

JA students stop by the Tech Center for various reasons, whether it is to ask a question about their school-issued iPad or because it’s a fun place to be as it looks like a real Apple Store complete with a “Genius Bar!” Other times, it is because they actually work there.

JA students in Middle and Upper School can apply to spend a class period in the JA Tech Center as part of their regular school day. Students should have an interest and an aptitude for technology, demonstrate an eagerness to learn, and have a teachable attitude. They receive training from the professional staff in the Tech Center, and once trained, are able to help fellow students and teachers with questions about their school–issued technology, whether it is hardware or software related. Students also acquire skills in communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution when working at the Tech Center.

JA has a number of students who have translated their experience in the JA Tech Center into larger experiences. Some of JA’s recent graduates are pursuing technology-related degrees, and one even works for the SEC thanks to his training with the Raider Network.